by Die Wolke art group
4-6 November 2022: Vitruvian Thing, Thessaloniki, Greece

Die Wolke art group presents “Ichne” (“traces”), a contemporary dance performance that sources its materials from interviews, focusing on the workings of memory and oral communication towards the development of imagery originating from the Asia Minor cultural identity. Treating the subject matter in a highly original manner, movement, along with musical and sonic compositions, approaches the inherent subjectivity of descriptions, low fidelity, gaps, and negative space that reveals the dimension of time in poetic imagery, thus focusing on the intersubjectivity of narrative refractions.
The group treats and processes information, as it was gathered by the research process, towards the creation of imagery, spaces, connotations, and moods. It thus invites the audience to follow the traces - “ichne” in Greek - as they indicate the path of the performative materials towards their incorporation into the present time, emphasising neither origin nor destination, but the journey itself.

Drosia Triantaki
Dimitris Dalezis, Dani Joss
Savvina Romanou-Pylli, Olina Oikonomidou, Foteini Kontouli, Drosia Triantaki
Interview voices:
Christos Pappas, Evi Tzortzi, Giorgos Giannopoulos, Aliki Dourmazer, Giannis Kyratsos, Efi Ratsou
Eleni Chasioti, Drosia Triantaki
Duration: 50 minutes

The performance is part of the “All of Greece One Culture” 2022 programme by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
Detailed information and pre-reservations at digitalculture.gov.gr
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